
Not dead

Wowee, I'm still around, I guess! Things here in the states are in the pits, and I've been busy studying C# and Japanese again. Unfortunately I didn't end up going back to college, and now that they are freezing federal grants, I may not be able to at all. Thankfully I've instead found certification programs that should provide me the opportunity to learn the things I need to learn. I'm hoping to start working on a game soon, but for now I'm going through freecodecamp's C# course with the intention of continuing through the rest of their fullstack certification programs. If I am not back updating, check my bluesky and mastodon, as they're where I post most actively.

Been a While

I haven't done any meaningful updates to this page in a while, but rest assured I tune in periodically! As I've applied to a college for their Computer Information Systems program, it would behoove me to be more active here. The last few months have been busy, as I've been taking care of my mother. She was meant to receive a lung transplant out-of-state, leaving my boyfriend and I to scramble for jobs to support ourselves financially. After months of preparation, my mother was only gone one week, and when she returned, she came down with pnuemonia and had a heart attack. Suffice it to say, I had to quit the job already to keep up with the trips to the hospital. It's been hectic, and the election results have me worried for the near future, but alas, all I can do is try and plan ahead for it. The release of the 20th Anniversary Half-Life 2 Documentary rekindled my interest in Half-Life as an IP, so when I haven't been carting myself all over the place, I've been relaxing playing Black Mesa, Half-Life 2, or (mostly) other Valve games. To prepare myself for the computer science course, I want to write a little game in S&Box, so keep an eye out for that! It may-or-may-not be pony related!

Finally back from vacation!

I had a fun time out by Niagra Falls. I got to catch up with a friend visiting from Australia, and we went all over the place! I'm still kinda getting settled back at home again, so this'll be brief, but I figured I should update!

Been a little bit!

Haven't updated in a couple weeks on account of a few surprise game drops! Dawntrail was very much anticipated, but my copy of Thousand Year Door finally came in, and then, before I could even finish either Dawn Trail or Paper Mario, Fallout London dropped! I'm drowning in games here, and I have a week-long vacation out-of-town coming up, so I'll be pretty busy for a little while! Also talking about setting up a 'Twitch Plays' like stream over Discord as a fun little drop of chaos in the daily routine.

Wow! Guess I'm staying!

Not a lot of people follow me on bluesky or mastodon anyways, and I'm leaving Twitter for good! I won't discuss current events, but I think I've realized I don't want Musk's sensationalized trending bar to ruin my day every day. I'll get my news through other sources. I guess I just like the thought of putting things on its own page disconnected from the utter chaos of the outside world.

Still not dead!

I've been searching for a font that's compatible with hiragana, katakana, and kanji, so I can open a sort of study blog page, and I think I've settled on one, it's just a matter of getting around to doing all the junk necessary to use a custom font. I still intend to center the body of this page at some point, but I want to make sure I know what I'm doing ahead of time so I don't break everything in the process. In other news, my copy of The Thousand Year Door HD came in, and I made a new pokesona! I've loved what I've played of TTYD so far, all the little touches make me giddy. It feels like everything I could've asked for short of a Luigi storyline based on his stories. On the subject of that Pokesona, it's a Wigglytuff! After drawing her, I even opened up Violet version to shiny hunt one. Only took like 10 minutes of wandering around to get, and only a few more to evolve it from Igglybuff right up to Wigglytuff! All in all, a fun week! Not the most productive though. I'll be back soon to finally fix the meat of the page being so awkwardly positioned!

Been a few days!

I've started working on a little pixel-horse game's assets. The plan is to make a little RPG Maker "doodle" of a game, but I might even use godot or gamemaker or something, who knows! If you want a little preview of that, check out my Bluesky. I'm still working out how I wanna format images here.

Major updates to webpage!

I've started work on major renovations to this site, adding more pages, a cleaner more readable layout and some other stuff like support for these blog posts! If things are going apace, you should be able to click the links on the sidebar to access all-new pages exploring all kinds of wacky things! This home page will act like a blog and can have whatever I want with it for now. Maybe I'll change that later.